We Appreciate Your Support! Please Read the Instructions Below to Donate...
Approach International is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Please choose the tax-deductible donation method most suitable for you. We encourage our supporters, when possible, to use the "eCheck" method. Each "eCheck" transaction costs just $0.15, whereas credit and debit cards charge Approach International roughly 2% of your total gift. Our goal is to minimize overhead costs and maximize the impact of your donations!
How to Give Online by eCheck (Electronic Check, ACH)
In order to give by eCheck, you will need your bank's routing number and your account number, which can be found on a personal check like the one shown below. Simply click the "Donate Now" button below and select the "eCheck" option when filling out your donation form. Be sure to enter the information correctly, including any leading or trailing 0's in the numbers shown on your check.

How to Give Online Using a Credit or Debit Card
Our donation system accepts major credit cards: Visa, Discover, and Mastercard.
American Express is also available, but charges a higher processing fee. Simply follow the prompts on the pages that appear after clicking the Donate Now button below. Be sure to choose the desired frequency (monthly or one-time gift) for your donation:
Giving by Check
Please make personal checks payable to Approach International, Incorporated. On the memo line, be sure to indicate the specific person or project for which you desire your gift be applied. For example, enter "Dominican Team" in the memo line to ensure that your donations directly support the team's efforts.
Checks may be mailed to:
Approach International
Attn: Donor Services
2033 Willowgrove Ave
Kettering, OH 45409