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Dominican Team Mission

We envision the day when Christian ministries and social organizations strive together to create stable environments where orphans, vulnerable children, and their families have the best possible opportunities to flourish. Communities will be impacted by the gospel-centered labor on behalf of vulnerable children. People from all walks of life will recognize these efforts as an act of God and be inspired to embrace Jesus Christ in faith. Our Dominican Team strives to realize its vision by carrying out the following mission:

To form and sustain a movement of equipped churches, organizations, and individuals dedicated to the holistic empowerment of vulnerable children and those they depend upon.

Our team is currently engaged in the following ministry efforts in San Pedro:

  • Leading afterschool programs for kids in an underpriviledged community. We provide tutoring, healthy meals, and biblical education. We take the kids on field trips to explore God's world in ways they've never been able to do before!

  • Assisting their family members with resources in times of need and counseling them with Christian Worldview principles.

  • From these foundations, our team has now acquired a property and is in the process of planting a church right in the heart of the area where they serve!